Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Building Houses Out Of Matchsticks

Fact #1: If you are left with terrible coffee (aka "Eight O'Clock Coffee" from Target Boutique), if you heat it up enough, your taste buds can't tell how terrible it really is! Beware though, because as it cools off, the bitterness creeps back in.

Fact #2: It works just as well with terrible people! Heat it up until you can't tell the difference.

So I'm in Walter Library as I am apt to be on a Wednesday afternoon. I am fed, caffienated, slightly motivated, and ready to begin some serious homeworking. On today's agenda: Chemistry. I wish I could just take alchemy instead. Since it isn't true, you can just make it up as you go!

My legs are already taking revenge on me for this morning's workout. Even when I used to work out, I rarely ran for long periods of time because my knees give me shit for the next two weeks. Well, I have ran for the past four days and them knees are giving me hell.

Oh you're everything I'm wanting... come to think of it, I'm aching.
On account of my transgression, will you welcome this confession?

Yesterday, I had two 1/2 pieces of cheesecake at the same restaurant with two different people. Cafe Latte is possibly the best cafe in the entire world (obviously, I'm still in the honeymoon stage). Let's just say today I am ninety-six pounds heavier due to the cookies-and-cream-cheesecake and turtle-cheesecake oozing from my pores (now there's an excellent visual!).

I can't write today.
I think I'll try again later.

If they say "nothing is forever", what makes love the exception?


Anonymous said...

...keep me hanging on so contagiously...

you're knees sounds like my arches. i've decided since they hate on me, i'm gonna hate on them back and wear my favorite shoes that doctors criticize me for because they have no support. gotta stick it to the man.

just hearing about cheesecake made me swoon...i gave up sweets for lent (what was i thinking?!). it sounds extremely delicious.

hope break is wonderful.

*sigh* blogger hates me an won't let me sign in.


Kelsey said...

Happy pi day, my neighbor.