Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh. 2008.

This, two thousand and eight, has been a metaphor in its entirety. If I were to pin it to something concrete, I would say it has been a hand. The type of that that lifts itself briefly for a swift thwack on the backside of one’s head.

Its motives, though not altogether sinister, could not be considered amicable either. In fact, when I finally took my eyes from my shoes to look the year right in the eye, I felt the short beam of an ambiguous rhetorical question, thinly-veiled in high-brow sarcasm. The kind of question that Mr. Row, my 9th grade math teacher, once asked Brad when he attempted the pluralization of rhombus. Rhombi. A steady squint accompanied by a long pause. Then, slowly, meticulously even, “When you’re outside waiting for the bus to bring you to school, and several approach, do you say to yourself, ‘I wonder which bi is the correct one?’” Clearly, you do not for the correct word he meant was “buses,” but no one dared to offer an answer.

Two thousand eight was a Mr. Row type of year.

Though often despised, the year offered something I haven’t gotten in a while, change. Albeit rapid, it was a quick toss of my hopes and dreams into yet another mixed metaphor, a vortex of actuality. Suddenly, I found myself in a world where my ambitions are realizable, and speeding toward me, another slap-upside-the-head. When you have plans laid out years in advance (five, we’ll say), you have a long time to ignore the fact that one day they may be carried out. This year was a reminder that I can do what I had planned if I so desire. Actually, I must do what I have planned or find another way to wander along.

I can’t say that two thousand eight has been malicious year. Just as I can’t say that Mr. Row was a malicious person, but sometimes the techniques of teaching that are most effective are also the most abrasive. As time and experience have it, I later asked Mr. Row for a letter of recommendation (a task that would prove difficult if asked of a personified, arbitrary length of time).

So, farewell good year, I will see you around whilst browsing through numerous facebook photo albums and scouring the depths of my memory for remnants of biochemistry.