Tuesday, January 16, 2007

You're Totally Right, Every Action Was Well Rehearsed

Classes began today. I've got 45 minutes before I've got to meet Bridget for dinner, so please excuse the possible-hastiness of this entry.

It's interesting how tired I feel after around an hour and a half of class today (don't worry, I've got almost four more hours of sociology tonight). I'm getting a little sick, and (because of break and damn Rochester) I've become reaccustomed to eating 52846+ meals a day. I need to get used to eating three meals again. I need to get used to sleeping on a chunk of slate that the U tries to pass as a "mattress." I need to find a happy medium. I need to find any medium, really. I need to become rich and famous. Or at least rich.

This semester is going to be the definition of "long day" with days stretching 9-6, 11-9:30, and 11-8. I sat down and did some physics homework earlier today (which is purely ridiculous, because that would mean I'm actually ahead in a class for once). Plus, I'm working really hard on fitting volunteering at the Region's hospital in there somewhere. Needlesstosay, I need sleep because I get tired simply thinking about how busy I will be soon. (PS: If something actually is needless to say, why say it?)

I feel weird about everything. Today, either everyone is noticing me, or everyone is ignoring me, and I'm really not sure if I care which is correct. ((I am tired and hungry and totally useless in this department.)) I need carbs and chocolate and more caffeine and some tequila and 600mg of ibuprofen, and a really good hug. I don't get (m)any of those when I'm up here.

For some reason, I feel less inclined to believe that I can handle this semester with equal or great ease than last semester. Maybe the Smarch Sadness is setting in unnecessarily early this year. "It's colder than it ought to be in March." Probably because it isn't even March yet, Chris Carrabba. That's probably why.

Anyway, I'm off to obtain at least 3 of the 6 things mention a couple of paragraphs ago. I'll let you be creative and decide which.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Hang in there, John! I know how the busy-ness goes, and the 52846 meals a day.

Way to be wonder...um, man.