Saturday, October 28, 2006

But I Am Le Tired...

No, I am not up extremely early. I have not gone to sleep yet, because of the worst invention ever: No Doze.

Everyone in this apartment has been asleep since around one, meaning that I have been awake almost six hours longer than anyone else here. Nothing good can come of being alone and wide awake that early in the morning. I can bet that this ruins my Saturday, because I haven't slept yet this weekend. Not a wink.

Instead, I have wasted my life surfing the internet. During this time, I realized that there is simply nothing worth reading, except wikipedia. However, I read wiki all summer when I was bored and trapped at work, so I was at a loss for subjects to read up on.

That said, this post is a shoutout. That's right, I'm actually tagging people if I can figure that bitch out. This post is an ode to those who have ever made a mixed CD for me. I have appreciated and loved them all one thousand times over again. They have opened my eyes, helped my self-expression, and just plain entertained me.

There is truly something magical about a CD mixed especially for you. Not only do I get an idea of the generous giver's musical taste, it may also help me to understand how I am percieved as well.

CDs are a cheap way of letting someone know that they are worth the time you are spending on them. The music and emotion behind every note carries something specifically brilliant. The words in each song of the CD do matter, because themed CDs are, in my opinion, the strongest, and filled with the most consistent emotion.

The order of the tracks MATTERS.

The art on the CD MATTERS.

The occasion MATTERS.

So, to all of you, I am sending this incoherent message of glorification, because I have been up for twenty three and a half hours without a wink of sleep. I just wanted to let you know that I care. You rock my world.

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