Sunday, November 19, 2006

I've Got Soul, But I'm Not A Soldier

So, I saw one of those heinous quiz/survey things on facebook and decided I had to fill it out. It's really simple: I just went though iTunes on shuffle and recorded the songs in order on the "Soundtrack of My Life." Exciting. I know.

Opening Credits: "All These Things That I Have Done"- The Killers
Waking Up: "What Da Hook Gun' Be?" - Murphy Lee
First Day At School: "Redemption" - Switchfoot
Falling In Love: "Breathing Deep" - 504 Plan
Breaking Up: "Time Turned Fragile" - Motion City Soundtrack
1st date: "Thumbelina" - Nightmare of You
Prom: "You Make Me Sick" - Pink
Life's OK: "Story of a Lonely Guy" - Blink182
Driving: "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)" - Nine Days
Flashback: "Maintain Conciousness" - Relient K
Getting Back Together: "Crazy Bitch" - BuckCherry
Wedding: "No Sleep Tonight" - The Faders <--- Haha, holy awkward.
Birth of Child: "The Things We Go Through" - Hawk Nelson
Final Battle: "Show Me Love" - T.a.T.u
Death Scene: "Brighter" - Paramore
Funeral Song: "Saying Goodbye" - Sugarcult
End Credits: "A Movie Script Ending" - Death Cab For Cutie

I'm going to be honest, though. I didn't exactly do this for your reading pleasure. That part is coming up very soon, I promise. I just thought it would be interesting to get reaquainted with my massive 13-day iTunes music. Literally. 13 days of music. Holy shit, son.

Thanksgiving is four days away. Four. That just seems crazy to me. It seems like I moved in a few hours ago, because I am definitely in the awkward "what-major-are-you-looking-at?" stage in so many friendships. However, I feel like I have breached that barrier with some friends. You know who you are. I guess it just comes to the point where everyone just stops putting up so many fronts. It stops being awkward. You tell eachother why you can't stand the weird guy who follows you or that one girl who has a walk-of-shame every day day.

I have also realized that if I put as much energy into study physics as I do into fighting it, I would probably be pulling a solid B.

In conclusion, college is one of those things that works itself out. If you can't let it be, might as well make it bleed, right?

Home Sweet Home in T minus three days.
The excitement is questionable.
The bed will be more comfortable, obviously
...a little colder, though.

XOXO. The Sizz.

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