Friday, December 29, 2006

In The Back Of Cars, I Might Be Right

Wanna know what's been on repeat on my iTunes for the past week? I bet you would.

It's a little group called "Safe Inside," and I know many of you have heard of them, but they are worth a look. The group is made up of two guys, Mike and Alex, from Roch-town (my hometown, so obviously they rock the shit).

Hold on, you haven't heard the best yet (<- Where have I heard that before?). Their EP is only five bucks! If you feel the need to hear some more, which you do, check out their myspace page at and click on the paypal link.

You won't regret a cent or second spent.

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So, that was my plug for the music scene, now back to your scheduled, angst programming.

I went through my past blogs earlier this morning, and I read them all. It is so interesting what you remember, and what you forget about yourself. I've only had this one since last July, and there is so much here. Those of you hailing from facebook, you only have the newer ones, to view the whole truth, you've gotta head on over to!

"Like Halloween or Madri Gras,
We dress to sell our lies.
There's gotta be something more
than the air over my head.
I'm sick and I'm tired
of those who don't care."

Though you may have guessed it, you probably didn't expect it. I am hailing Caribou again as a place of refuge. My boss told me today that I can keep coming to work, but he literally doesn't have anything that I can really do. I guess that means free money to blow on coffee and start saving for laSpringBreak in Cali.

Honestly, I've got birds in my ears that tell me California is material paradise. Is it sad that I view California as the cliche? The devil on my shoulder is telling me to hate perfection, just to spite the millions that love it.

I realized it earlier this morning that I can't tell my own motives for action. Am I growing my hair out because of the who people tell me to, the people who tell me not to, or do I actually want longer hair for once in my life? Does it matter? Maybe not...

Okay, so in more outstanding news, I've decided I'm taking twenty-three credits next semester. By summer, I will literally be finished with my Liberal Education Requirements, which is rather ridiculous. My schedule consists of Chem2, Phys2, Psych, Sociology, World History, and a Rhetoric class on ideologies and the media. Prepare for a John with literally no social life. Everyone knows I'm in over my head. I just need to make up for the fact that I will be in Korea for an entire semester, unable to do anything that will transfer back to school.

--- --- --- ---

This is the colored chalk
designed on your sidewalk
winding from nostril[to]navel,
traversing, like a desert.

I offered you love like a bottle of water
to make the trip,
but you snickered and placed
phone on receiver.

And I told the dial tone
that you were a journey in progress.
I could make the trip
if you faxed me the map.

--- --- --- ---

Unlock her lips so I can breathe.

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