Friday, February 02, 2007

The Dissolution of History into Universalism.

Yes, that is the topic of my paper for "The Rhetoric of Everyday Life", and after trying to force intellectualism out of every pore in my body, I think that I'll take a break to write the way that I want... for who I want (you).

I have been on the brink of bright.and.shiny, lately.

All I can really do is brace for hell as school closes in on me like a trash compressor (at least it's not the on-switch of a garbage disposal, I guess). My life is only one anticlimax after another. Rising action, rising action, rision action, anti-climax. I can make new year's resolutions, but the thematic resolutions really never take any physical form.

I am home again. I came home to surprise my family, and my sisters knew (because I told them). My sisters knew that I wanted to take them to a movie, but they went to the basketball game anyway. Of course, I was told that I would have ditched them anyway, so I shouldn't be upset. I am disappointed to say the least.

There are certain things that I just really don't need. I don't need any more shorts for spring, or any t-shirts (as my mom likes to remind me), or new shoes, or another coat. I don't need grey snow or wind. I don't need a pat on the back of confirmation or motivation. I don't need to know that anyone cares about my GPA. I need to know that people care about my sore throat. I need to hear something positive. I don't need cookies to help me gain weight, because I am very capable on my own. I don't need to hear that 19 credits is too much or that I'm being hard on myself or that I should take a break. I need a break. I need a theme song. I need a night where I can have fun without worrying about getting caught or vomit or school or a test tomorrow or how much I should really be doing. I don't need skepticism.

All I can do is take a deep breath, put on some Regina, and keep on trucking.
( keep on trucking all the way)

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