Friday, February 16, 2007

People Are Just People Like You.

I've always felt like the meaning of life is like the definition of a difficult word. You can look it up in dictionaries, read about it on wikipedia, and ask everyone you know, but you don't really understand until you can use it in a sentence.

Today is a good day already. I had a minor revelation on the campus connector (where my minor revelations so often place themselves). I know why I'm going into medicine, though I'm not sure what exactly I'll be doing. I feel this growing sense that when you have the ability to make the world brighter, it is your duty to do so. How do we define "good people"? Those are the people who are able to open up oppurtunities for others and place smiles where they weren't before. "Bad people" are those who take advantage of chances to make the world darker, to build walls and create corners and sections and stratification.

If I have the ability and desire to lighten lives, how can I justify stifling it?

The two saving graces of the living human race are service to others and art (all forms: visual, verbal, and spiritual). When you have the oppurtunity to create either, you should always always always take it.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

yay, doctors! at least one of us has the gumption to take hard classes!