Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Here's To The Fast Times.

Work. Work? Work!

I found another amazing band that I will ask to be my lover. Obviously, they will accept and I will travel around the world and become famous when they are surely discovered. Their name? All Time Low. Check them out at http://purevolume.com/alltimelow.

It's weird, because I went dorm room shopping yesterday and the fact that I'm leaving hasn't even hit me yet. I keep praying for it to hit... but it might not be until I've been up there for a month. I'd rather have it hit than sink in. Sinking doesn't exactly have a hasty connotation.

I know my roommate, Steve Huck is his name. Sports are his game... and that's literally it, according to his facebook. Eat, sleep, breathe sports... and the only sport I enjoy, aka soccer, (running/swimming don't count) isn't even listed in his profile. Political views? Conservative. I'm hoping he's one of those kids who is actually way moderate/liberal, but says they're conservative, because that's what they're parents say to be. Even if he's not, I'm good at avoiding certain subjects.

Upsides? (<-- I don't think that can be one word). His musical taste is quality... and that's pretty much the only criteria I have for friends... and since I listen to everything... it's pretty easy to be considered my friend. He hates Kelly Clarkson, though... which may be an issue, haha. I'll avoid the subject entirely. It comes up more often in everyday conversation than one would expect.

I hope he doesn't already have a microwave, because I bought one yesterday. Good times. My room colors are red, black, white, and sliver. I'm excited, because I'm going to try to stick with those colors in everything. Pretty sure I dropped an unnecessary amount of money at Target yesterday, and it was glorious. I just wish he would message me back already! I'm impatient.

"I can keep a secret,
if you can keep me guessing.
The flavor of your lips
is enough to keep me pressing
for more than just a moment
of truth between the lies."

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