Friday, August 18, 2006

So Many Ways To Begin

01. Publish an anthology of poetry
02. Be cited on wikipedia
03. Become fluent in a foriegn language and have a meaningful conversation with someone who doesn't speak any English
04. Learn how to play "Rough Draft" by Yellowcard on the guitar
05. Leave the house wearing an entire outfit, head to toe, designed and created by me
06. Live in an apartment in Chicago for one full year
07. Live on a beach in California for one full year
08. Design, or co-design, the floorplan to my own house
09. Write a semi-autobiographical novel
10. For an entire year, make every gift I give with my own two hands
11. Watch a World Cup game live
12. Be someone's mentor
13. Be vegetarian for one year to gain a different perspective
14. Fall in love
15. Develop a steady workout plan1
6. Eat at Movenpick, and ride on a paddleboat in Lake Lucerne, Switzerland, again
17. Paint something that I can be proud of years later
18. Graduate from college with honors
19. Only eat greasy fast food twice a month for five years straight
20. Give up all pop for good
21. Cook an entire dinner for friends from scratch
22. Visit Asia for an extended period of time
23. Take an indefinite vacation
24. Find a job that I love
25. Leave anonymous presents for five friends: Things they want but would never buy themselves
26. Kiss in the pouring rain
27. Study abroad in an English-speaking country
28. Surprise someone I hardly know with flowers
29. Re-visit the Louvre and walk through every room
30. Take a spontaneous road-trip to God-knows-where, just up & go with no destination
31. Collect 10 lists just like this and help each person cross off at least one goal
32. Start and maintain a website that begins an online community
33. Participate in a book club
34. Read 200 novels, cover to cover.
35. Find a form of meditation that actually de-stresses me
36. Wing tattoos
37. Have a role in a Shakespearean play
38. Learn PHP coding
39. Paint my own house (outside and inside)
40. Own/Maintain a flower garden
41. Invent something that is useful
42. Swim with dolphins
43. Go on a Safari in Africa
44. Attend a ComicCon dressed as a character from a video game/comic book
45. Have my palm read by a "professional"
46. Be an extra in a movie
47. Spend at least one full 24 hour period in all fifty states
48. Take a dance class
49. Adopt a little Asian girl and see her graduate from high school
50. Complete EVERY item on this list before death

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