Tuesday, August 01, 2006

All Tied Up, Wrapped Around, Useless

Tomorrow, I'm heading up to the Mall of America to spend an unnecessary amount of money. I'm limiting myself to only necessary things for college, though. At this rate, I'm seriously doubting that I'll be able to pay for Korea at all. Let's be serious. I have one month to make $1600 (because I have to save half for my college tuition) and not spend any money. I mean, I think my parents are willing to pay a small portion as my only Christmas present, but I still won't have any money to buy Xmas presents with (or buy things over there, either).

The deal was that we would go if Kate could find us round-trip tickets for $800 or less. But traveling during Christmas time is always more expensive, and right now, the cheapest I can find is $1200. I'm actually hoping that we can't. I really REALLY want to go, but I doubt that I can pay for it at this point, and at the rate I'm going. I won't push for anything from my parents, and I'll just ask them to put however much they can toward a travel fund for me or something. I was actually planning on going to Serbia/Croatia/Greece with Maja and Elli next summer, and that would be equally fantastic. Before I graduate, I am determined to find my way into an asian country for a week or more. Korean or Japan would be optimal.

Maybe I'll start some random website online and try to make money through ads. That won't work, because last time I tried that I got $70 for an entire year of work. Not really worth all the time and effort that went in. I realize schemes like this never actually work, so I'll have to find some way to try and get published when I'm at the U to get a chunk of money.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I'd rather travel and spend money I don't have when I'm in college and pay it back when I get a job than missing out on my youth. You're only young once, and traveling as a middle-aged man is a little less exciting in my eyes.

Well, wish me luck. I'm off to get rich or die trying. Thanks, Fitty.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

i feel ya. all of my summer earnings are going in a "study abroad in nairobi" fund.

out of curiosity, what spurred your interest in asian countries?